Thursday, January 1, 2009

Toast to a New Year

In more ways than one, 2009 is the first year I've begun not hung over from the last. The sun that crept between my blinds did not burn my eyes, my head did not feel magnetically attached to my pillow. I got out of bed without stumbling, looked myself in the mirror without grimacing. My clothes are neither stained, nor torn, nor lost. I can remember last night without the aid of my digital camera. The kitchen table is cluttered with corks and six empty champagne bottles - but my Advil one still rattles.

Yes, 2009 already seems very different from 2008.

From Black Sand Journal

By the way, I traded my 'Happy New Year' tiara for this hat with a woman in a fur coat on East 4th Street. Around 2.30am, the hat flew across 6th Avenue and was run over by two cabs. Rob heroically retrieved it, and then we all got hot dogs.


Lauren said...

sounds like quite the epic night : )

i'm glad you had fun/didn't get sick. always a good sign.

Nicole Callihan said...

I can think of nothing better than East Village hot dogs to ring in the new year. Hope you have a happy one! Soon.