Sunday, May 17, 2009

Summer in Sri Lanka To Do List

From Black Sand Journal

1. Intern at a newspaper...
2. ... Not die in the process.
3. Photograph what the government doesn't advertise in brochures...
4. ... Not die in the process.
5. Volunteer for Equal-Ground...
6. ... Not die in the process.
7. Gym 5 days a week...
8. ... Not die in the process.
9. Live with my parents for 14 weeks...
10. ... Not die in the process.

To summarize, staying alive is the low bar I'm setting for a successful summer.


Roshana Vander Wall said...

You'll live. I wish I was coming with you. I kinda miss things there. People will probably all be back this summer. If you can say hey to Guido for me.

Suri said...

Sorry, I won't talk to him.